
[ kon-kat-n-ey-shuh n ]
/ kɒnˌkæt nˈeɪ ʃən /


the act of concatenating.
the state of being concatenated; connection, as in a chain.
a series of interconnected or interdependent things or events.

Origin of concatenation

1595–1605; < Late Latin concatēnātiōn- (stem of concatēnātiō), equivalent to concatēnāt(us) concatenate + -iōn- -ion

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British Dictionary definitions for concatenation

/ (kɒnˌkætɪˈneɪʃən) /


a series of interconnected events, concepts, etc
the act of linking together or the state of being joined
logic a function that forms a single string of symbols from two given strings by placing the second after the first