computerized axial tomography


the process of producing a CAT scan.
Also called computed tomography, computer-assisted tomography, computerized tomography.
Compare CAT scanner.

Origin of computerized axial tomography

First recorded in 1970–75

Words nearby computerized axial tomography

British Dictionary definitions for computerized tomography

computerized tomography


med a radiological technique that produces images of cross sections through a patient's body using low levels of radiation Also called (esp US): computed tomography Abbreviation: CT See also CT scanner

Medical definitions for computerized tomography

computerized axial tomography
[ kəm-pyōōtə-rīzd′ ]


Tomography used in diagnostic studies of internal bodily structures, in which computer analysis of a series of cross-sectional scans made along a single axis of a bodily structure or tissue is used to construct a three-dimensional image of that structure. computed tomography

Scientific definitions for computerized tomography

computerized axial tomography
[ kəm-pyōōtə-rīzd′ ]

Tomography in which computer analysis of a series of cross-sectional x-ray images made along a single axis of a bodily structure or tissue is used to construct a three-dimensional image of that structure. The technique is used in diagnostic studies of internal bodily structures, as in the detection of tumors or brain aneurysms.