
[ kom-uh n-dant, -dahnt, kom-uh n-dant, -dahnt ]
/ ˌkɒm ənˈdænt, -ˈdɑnt, ˈkɒm ənˌdænt, -ˌdɑnt /


the commanding officer of a place, group, etc.: the commandant of a naval base.
the title of the senior officer and head of the U.S. Marine Corps.
U.S. Army. a title generally given to the heads of military schools.

Origin of commandant

1680–90; < French, noun use of present participle of commander to command; see -ant

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British Dictionary definitions for commandant

/ (ˈkɒmənˌdænt, -ˌdɑːnt) /


an officer commanding a place, group, or establishment