Cape Horn


a headland on a small island at the S extremity of South America: belongs to Chile.

Definition for cape horn (2 of 2)

[ hawrn ]
/ hɔrn /


Cape. Cape Horn.

British Dictionary definitions for cape horn (1 of 3)

/ (hɔːn) /


Cape See Cape Horn

British Dictionary definitions for cape horn (2 of 3)

Cape Horn


a rocky headland on an island at the extreme S tip of South America, belonging to Chile. It is notorious for gales and heavy seas; until the building of the Panama Canal it lay on the only sea route between the Atlantic and the Pacific Also called: the Horn

British Dictionary definitions for cape horn (3 of 3)

/ (hɔːn) /


verb (tr)

to provide with a horn or horns
to gore or butt with a horn
See also horn in

Derived forms of horn

hornless, adjective hornlike, adjective

Word Origin for horn

Old English; related to Old Norse horn, Gothic haurn, Latin cornu horn

Medical definitions for cape horn

[ hôrn ]


One of the hard, usually permanent structures projecting from the head of certain mammals, such as cattle, consisting of a bony core covered with a sheath of keratinous material.
A hard protuberance that is similar to or suggestive of a horn.
The hard, smooth keratinous material forming the outer covering of animal horns.
Any of the major subdivisions of the lateral ventricle in the cerebral hemisphere of the brain: the frontal horn, occipital horn, and temporal horn. cornu

Scientific definitions for cape horn

[ hôrn ]

Either of the bony growths projecting from the upper part of the head of certain hoofed mammals, such as cattle, sheep, and goats. The horns of these animals are never shed, and they consist of bone covered by keratin.
A hard growth that looks like a horn, such as an antler or a growth on the head of a giraffe or rhinoceros. Unlike true horns, antlers are shed yearly and have a velvety covering, and the horns of a rhinoceros are made not of bone but of hairy skin fused with keratin.
The hard durable substance that forms the outer covering of true horns. It consists of keratin.

Idioms and Phrases with cape horn
