
[ buh-tris ]
/ ˈbʌ trɪs /


any external prop or support built to steady a structure by opposing its outward thrusts, especially a projecting support built into or against the outside of a masonry wall.
any prop or support.
a thing shaped like a buttress, as a tree trunk with a widening base.
a bony or horny protuberance, especially on a horse's hoof.

verb (used with object)

to support by a buttress; prop up.
to give encouragement or support to (a person, plan, etc.).

Origin of buttress

1350–1400; Middle English butres ≪ Old French ( arc) boterez thrusting (arch) nominative singular of boteret (accusative), equivalent to boter- abutment (perhaps < Germanic; see butt3) + -et -et


but·tress·less, adjective but·tress·like, adjective non·but·tressed, adjective un·but·tressed, adjective

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British Dictionary definitions for buttress

/ (ˈbʌtrɪs) /


Also called: pier a construction, usually of brick or stone, built to support a wall See also flying buttress
any support or prop
something shaped like a buttress, such as a projection from a mountainside
either of the two pointed rear parts of a horse's hoof

verb (tr)

to support (a wall) with a buttress
to support or sustain

Word Origin for buttress

C13: from Old French bouterez, short for ars bouterez thrusting arch, from bouter to thrust, butt ³