
[ af-ter-math, ahf- ]
/ ˈæf tərˌmæθ, ˈɑf- /


something that results or follows from an event, especially one of a disastrous or unfortunate nature; consequence: the aftermath of war; the aftermath of the flood.
a new growth of grass following one or more mowings, which may be grazed, mowed, or plowed under.

Origin of aftermath

1515–25; after + math a mowing, Old English mǣth; cognate with Old High German mād (German Mahd); akin to mow1

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British Dictionary definitions for aftermath

/ (ˈɑːftəˌmɑːθ, -ˌmæθ) /


signs or results of an event or occurrence considered collectively, esp of a catastrophe or disaster the aftermath of war
agriculture a second mowing or crop of grass from land that has already yielded one crop earlier in the same year

Word Origin for aftermath

C16: after + math a mowing, from Old English mæth