World Trade Center


a name licensed by World Trade Centers Association to its members to identify any of a number of iconic buildings worldwide to promote world trade and international business relationships; one such former building complex, at 417m (1368 ft), the tallest in the US, stood in Manhattan, New York, from 1974 until its destruction on September 11, 2001, in which 2,750 people died; reconstruction of the complex began in 2002 Abbreviation: ((trademark)) WTC

Cultural definitions for world trade center

World Trade Center

World Trade Center (WTC) A trademark for various building complexes around the world that house organizations and businesses supporting international commerce. The World Trade Center in lower MANHATTAN included two tall skyscrapers, the Twin Towers, that were destroyed when terrorist-hijacked planes were crashed into them as part of the SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS (2001). Reconstruction of new buildings began in 2002.