world Englishes
[ ing-gli-shiz ing-li-shiz ]
/ ˈɪŋ glɪ ʃɪz ˈɪŋ lɪ ʃɪz /
plural noun
the many and varied dialects of English spoken in different parts of the world, including not only American and British English, but such varieties as Indian, Pakistani, Australian, and New Zealand English, as well as the English spoken in various African and Asian countries. In some parts of the world, English is spoken as a natural outgrowth of a colonial period during which certain countries, now independent, were part of the British Empire. In other places, people have been encouraged to learn English because of its widespread use as a language of global communication.
Also called
varieties of English.
English dictionary.
historical usage of world Englishes
In the singular form, the term
world English refers to a movement to promote the use of English globally as an official
lingua franca, a means of worldwide communication. There is, however, some concern about whether or not there should be a single standard form of this global language.