“Follow the examples of your brothers from Woolwich, Texas and Boston,” she tweeted.
Amanda Donnelly Martin, who was with her daughter, was one of those later described as the Angels of Woolwich.
During the early 1970s, the IRA planted two pub bombs in Woolwich at establishments frequented by British soldiers.
If anything the young man sounded South London, maybe a Woolwich local.
The Arsenal was the main employer in Woolwich, but it was shut down after WWII when the Empire disappeared and the army shrunk.
A day or two later the same party found themselves at 25 the same station on their return from Woolwich.
An actual specimen resembling this, but engraved, is in the collection from Rhodes at Woolwich.
"Oh, I got it from a man who knows a man who lives near Woolwich," he replied.
Dr Hutton, the mathematical professor at Woolwich, happened to be secretary for foreign correspondence.
I could not obtain any employment in Woolwich: evening was coming on—and I was hungry.