
[ wind-jam-er, win- ]
/ ˈwɪndˌdʒæm ər, ˈwɪn- /

noun Informal.

(formerly) a merchant ship propelled by sails.
any large sailing ship.
a member of its crew.
Older Slang. a long-winded person; a great talker.

Origin of windjammer

1890–95, Americanism; wind1 + jammer (see jam1, -er1)

Example sentences from the Web for windjammer

  • Another of the true romances, recommended for a lively sense of humor and a faithful portrayal of life aboard a windjammer.

    The Old Merchant Marine |Ralph D. Paine

British Dictionary definitions for windjammer

/ (ˈwɪndˌdʒæmə) /


a large merchant sailing ship
another name for windcheater