water turkey

or wa·ter·tur·key


Origin of water turkey

An Americanism dating back to 1830–40

Example sentences from the Web for water turkey

  • It was a water-turkey, and he sat placidly on a limb close to the water's edge, and about a boat's length ahead of us.

    A Jolly Fellowship |Frank R. Stockton
  • It was a water-turkey, that had been sitting on a tree, just as we turned a corner.

    A Jolly Fellowship |Frank R. Stockton
  • Now and then a water-turkey, with his long neck and legs, varies the scene.

    Palmetto-Leaves |Harriet Beecher Stowe
  • A water-turkey now and again rises and flies ahead into the long avenue of silence.

    Life On The Mississippi, Complete |Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)