
[ ven-tl-eyt ]
/ ˈvɛn tlˌeɪt /

verb (used with object), ven·ti·lat·ed, ven·ti·lat·ing.

verb (used without object), ven·ti·lat·ed, ven·ti·lat·ing.

to give utterance or expression to one's emotions, opinions, complaints, etc.

Origin of ventilate

1400–50; late Middle English ventilatten to blow (something) away < Latin ventilātus (past participle of ventilāre to fan), equivalent to vent(us) wind1 + -il- v. suffix (variant of -ul-, orig. after derivatives of nouns ending in -ulus -ule; cf. speculate) + -ātus -ate1


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British Dictionary definitions for ventilate

/ (ˈvɛntɪˌleɪt) /

verb (tr)

to drive foul air out of (an enclosed area)
to provide with a means of airing
to expose (a question, grievance, etc) to public examination or discussion
physiol to oxygenate (the blood) in the capillaries of the lungs
to winnow (grain)

Derived forms of ventilate

ventilable, adjective

Word Origin for ventilate

C15: from Latin ventilāre to fan, from ventulus diminutive of ventus wind