They employ an individual that not only has a serious drug problem; he was convicted of vehicular manslaughter.
And the laws closing those few wild areas to motor vehicle or ATV use: Most public lands are far too open to vehicular use.
An infographic released by Sohu Business points to the obvious culprits: industrial emissions, coal, and vehicular exhaust.
Turning 16 caused our parents to break out in a rash of vehicular insipidity.
Brent has been charged with vehicular manslaughter and a DUI, his second.
She never gets into a 'bus or takes any vehicular advantage over a widow, and she feels choky if she sees any one very old.
Horses are used only for cabs, oxen being the beasts used for vehicular traffic from one end of the country to the other.
In three places the Dana was bridged over for vehicular traffic, and in two others for foot traffic.
I had been hitherto by no means aware of what Johnson would probably have called "the vehicular opulence" of the Sussex shore.
This vehicular upbringing lasts five or six months at least, without interruption.