
[ vej-i-tey-tiv ]
/ ˈvɛdʒ ɪˌteɪ tɪv /


Also veg·e·tive [vej-i-tiv] /ˈvɛdʒ ɪ tɪv/.

Origin of vegetative

1350–1400; Middle English vegetatyf < Medieval Latin vegetātīvus. See vegetate, -ive


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British Dictionary definitions for vegetative

/ (ˈvɛdʒɪtətɪv) /


of, relating to, or denoting the nonreproductive parts of a plant, i.e. the stems, leaves, and roots, or growth that does not involve the reproductive parts
(of reproduction) characterized by asexual processes
of or relating to functions such as digestion, growth, and circulation rather than sexual reproduction
(of a style of living) dull, stagnant, unthinking, or passive

Derived forms of vegetative

vegetatively, adverb vegetativeness, noun

Medical definitions for vegetative

[ vĕjĭ-tā′tĭv ]


Of, relating to, or capable of growth.
Of or functioning in processes such as growth or nutrition rather than sexual reproduction.
Of or relating to asexual reproduction, such as fission or budding.
Of or relating to the resting stage of a cell or its nucleus.
Of or relating to a pathological vegetation.
Of or being a state of grossly impaired consciousness, as after severe head trauma or brain disease, in which an individual is incapable of voluntary or purposeful acts and only responds reflexively to painful stimuli.

Scientific definitions for vegetative

[ vĕjĭ-tā′tĭv ]

Relating to or characteristic of plants or their growth.
Relating to vegetative reproduction.
Relating to feeding and growth rather than reproduction, as in the mobile phase of plasmodial slime molds.
Relating to an impaired level of brain function in which a person responds reflexively to certain sensory stimuli but demonstrates no cognitive function.