
[ uhk-sawr, -sohr, uhg-zawr, -zohr ]
/ ˈʌk sɔr, -soʊr, ˈʌg zɔr, -zoʊr /

noun Latin.

wife (used chiefly in the legal phrase et uxor).

Words nearby uxor

Definition for uxor (2 of 2)

et uxor
[ et uhk-sawr, -sohr, uhg-zawr, -zohr ]
/ ɛt ˈʌk sɔr, -soʊr, ˈʌg zɔr, -zoʊr /


and wife (used chiefly in its abbreviated form, in legal abstracts of title). Abbreviation: et ux.

Example sentences from the Web for uxor