universal donor


a person with blood of group O.

Origin of universal donor

First recorded in 1920–25

British Dictionary definitions for universal donor

universal donor


a person who has blood of group O and whose blood may be safely transfused to persons with most other blood types

Medical definitions for universal donor

universal donor
[ yōō′nə-vûrsəl ]


A person whose red blood cells do not contain agglutinogen A or B and are therefore not agglutinated by plasma containing either of the ordinary isoagglutinins, alpha or beta; a person who has group O blood.

Scientific definitions for universal donor

universal donor
[ yōō′nə-vûrsəl ]

A person who has group O blood and is therefore able to serve as a donor to a person with any other blood type. Group O blood contains red blood cells that do not have the antigen A or B and thus do not react with antibodies to these antigens found in the plasma of the other blood types. See also blood type.