union shop


a shop, business establishment, or part thereof, in which terms and conditions of employment for all employees are fixed by agreement between the employer and a labor union.
a shop, business, etc., in which membership in a union is made a condition of employment, but in which the employer may hire nonunion workers provided that they become members after a stated period, usually 30 days.
Compare nonunion shop.

Origin of union shop

First recorded in 1900–05

British Dictionary definitions for union shop

union shop


(formerly) an establishment whose employment policy is governed by a contract between employer and a trade union permitting the employment of nonunion labour only on the condition that such labour joins the union within a specified time period Compare open shop, closed shop

Cultural definitions for union shop

union shop

A business or industry in which all new workers must join a labor union after a specified period of time. (See closed shop and right-to-work laws.)