
[ ed-it ]
/ ˈɛd ɪt /

verb (used with object)


an instance of or the work of editing: automated machinery that allows a rapid edit of incoming news.

Origin of edit

1785–95; 1915–20 for def 6; partly back formation from editor, partly < French éditer < Latin ēditus published (past participle of ēdere to give out), equivalent to ē- e-1 + -ditus combining form of datus given; cf. datum


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British Dictionary definitions for unedited

/ (ˈɛdɪt) /

verb (tr)

to prepare (text) for publication by checking and improving its accuracy, clarity, etc
to be in charge of (a publication, esp a periodical) he edits the local newspaper
to prepare (a film, tape, etc) by rearrangement, selection, or rejection of previously filmed or taped material
(tr) to modify (a computer file) by, for example, deleting, inserting, moving, or copying text
(often foll by out) to remove (incorrect or unwanted matter), as from a manuscript or film


informal an act of editing give the book a final edit

Word Origin for edit

C18: back formation from editor