
[ uhn-kuh n-dish-uh nd ]
/ ˌʌn kənˈdɪʃ ənd /


not subject to conditions; absolute.
Psychology. not proceeding from or dependent on a conditioning of the individual; natural; innate: unconditioned behavior. Compare conditioned(def 3).

Origin of unconditioned

First recorded in 1625–35; un-1 + conditioned

OTHER WORDS FROM unconditioned

un·con·di·tioned·ness, noun

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British Dictionary definitions for unconditioned

/ (ˌʌnkənˈdɪʃənd) /


psychol characterizing an innate reflex and the stimulus and response that form parts of it Compare conditioned (def. 1)
metaphysics unrestricted by conditions; infinite; absolute
without limitations; unconditional

Derived forms of unconditioned

unconditionedness, noun