Tu Bishevat

[ too bi-shuh-vaht, -shvaht ]
/ ˈtu bɪ ʃəˈvɑt, -ˈʃvɑt /

noun Judaism.

the 15th day of the month of Shevat, observed as a new year for trees by planting trees and by eating fruits.
Also Tu Bi·she·bat [too bi-shuh-baht, -shbaht] /ˌtu bɪ ʃəˈbɑt, -ˈʃbɑt/.
Also called Hamishah Asar Bishevat.

Origin of Tu Bishevat

< Hebrew ṭū bishbhāṭ equivalent to ṭū fifteen + bi of + shəbhāt Shevat