trial balloon


a statement, program, or the like issued publicly as a means of determining reactions in advance: The speech was a trial balloon for a new law.

Origin of trial balloon

First recorded in 1930–35

Example sentences from the Web for trial balloon

British Dictionary definitions for trial balloon

trial balloon


a tentative action or statement designed to test public opinion on a controversial matter Compare ballon d'essai

Cultural definitions for trial balloon

trial balloon

A small campaign or test designed to gauge public response. The term originally referred to a balloon sent up to determine weather conditions: “The speech on free trade that the candidate delivered last month must have been a trial balloon; the audience reacted with hostility, and he has not mentioned the subject since.”

Idioms and Phrases with trial balloon

trial balloon

An idea or plan advanced tentatively to test public reaction, as in Let's send up a trial balloon for this new program before we commit ourselves. This expression alludes to sending up balloons to test weather conditions. [c. 1930]