Lincoln Davis and John Barrow and Larry Kissell and Travis Childers and on and on it went.
Like several other summit participants, Travis called for “a national movement” to cut the prison population at least by half.
The most successful ones, like Travis Wall, start their own companies.
And then my duet with Kathryn, and my first duet with Valerie, the contemporary that Travis Wall choreographed.
The first week I got a Sonya Tayeh routine and then the second week I had Travis.
On February 24th, Travis sent out a strong appeal for assistance.
Travis had his first pang of doubt when he stepped out of the ship.
The grass rippled and Naginlta poked out a nose, parting stems before Travis.
"That is wisdom, Ba'is'a," Travis promptly replied, giving Nolan the old title accorded the leader of a war party.
Travis, on the dawn watch, began to speculate about the ape-thing they had killed.