
[ verb trans-fawrm; noun trans-fawrm ]
/ verb trænsˈfɔrm; noun ˈtræns fɔrm /

verb (used with object)

verb (used without object)

to undergo a change in form, appearance, or character; become transformed.


Origin of transform

1300–50; Middle English transformen < Latin trānsfōrmāre to change in shape. See trans-, form

SYNONYMS FOR transform

1 transfigure. T ransform , convert mean to change one thing into another. T ransform suggests changing from one form, appearance, structure, or type to another: to transform soybeans into oil and meal by pressure. C onvert suggests so changing the characteristics as to change the use or purpose: to convert a barn into a house.


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British Dictionary definitions for transformative


verb (trænsˈfɔːm)

to alter or be altered radically in form, function, etc
(tr) to convert (one form of energy) to another form
(tr) maths to change the form of (an equation, expression, etc) by a mathematical transformation
(tr) to increase or decrease (an alternating current or voltage) using a transformer

noun (ˈtrænsˌfɔːm)

maths the result of a mathematical transformation, esp (of a matrix or an element of a group) another related to the given one by B = X –1 AX for some appropriate X

Derived forms of transform

transformable, adjective transformative, adjective

Word Origin for transform

C14: from Latin transformāre, from trans- + formāre to form