
[ tran-sen-duh nt ]
/ trænˈsɛn dənt /


going beyond ordinary limits; surpassing; exceeding.
superior or supreme.
Theology. (of the Deity) transcending the universe, time, etc. Compare immanent(def 3).
  1. Scholasticism. above all possible modes of the infinite.
  2. Kantianism. transcending experience; not realizable in human experience.Compare transcendental(defs 5a, c).
  3. (in modern realism) referred to, but beyond, direct apprehension; outside consciousness.

noun Mathematics.

Origin of transcendent

1575–85; < Latin trānscendent- (stem of trānscendēns), present participle of trānscendere. See transcend, -ent

OTHER WORDS FROM transcendent

British Dictionary definitions for transcendents

/ (trænˈsɛndənt) /


exceeding or surpassing in degree or excellence
  1. (in the philosophy of Kant) beyond or before experience; a priori
  2. (of a concept) falling outside a given set of categories
  3. beyond consciousness or direct apprehension
theol (of God) having continuous existence outside the created world
free from the limitations inherent in matter


philosophy a transcendent thing

Derived forms of transcendent

transcendence or transcendency, noun transcendently, adverb transcendentness, noun