To welcome the English Premier League to NBC, the former SNL star took over as coach of Tottenham Hotspur.
Or André Villas Boas, the Portuguese coach of British club Tottenham Hotspur, talking about a game against Manchester United.
Yet as amici curiae, we would have thought that that Tottenham Road carpet might have been kept out of Court.
She didn't know whether she could describe it, but Mr. Tottenham was different from the kind of man you seemed to meet in India.
Bonafede had quietly slipped off down the Tottenham Court Road.
Some pieces were bought by Mr. Day, of Tottenham, at an average of eight shillings each.
As sweet as that 'contexture of woodbines, sweet-briar, and myrtle' in which the anglers sat and sipped orange punch at Tottenham.