[ top-min-oh ]
/ ˈtɒpˌmɪn oʊ /
noun, plural (especially collectively) top·min·now, (especially referring to two or more kinds or species) top·min·nows.
any of several small, surface-swimming fishes of the egg-laying family Cyprinodontidae and the live-bearing family Poeciliidae, some of which are used in mosquito control.
Words nearby topminnow
British Dictionary definitions for topminnow
/ (ˈtɒpˌmɪnəʊ) /
noun plural -now or -nows
any of various small American freshwater cyprinodont fishes that are either viviparous (genera Heterandria, Gambusia, etc) or egg-laying (genus Fundulus)
Word Origin for topminnow
1 +
minnow; so called because they are small and swim near the surface of the water