The Daily Pic: Tobias Rehberger transplants a Frankfurt watering hole to New York.
German artist Tobias Rehberger has a favorite watering hole in Frankfurt called the Bar Oppenheimer.
For the record, the best three episodes deal with Gob, Tobias, and Buster, and it's not even close.
It is Tobias Wolff, telling me how much he loves one of my stories.
Tobias had seemed impressed, and promised his answer in the morning, leaving her to sleep—with a sentry at her cabin door.
By the angel's advice young Tobias taketh hold on a fish that assaulteth him.
That fasting, used with prayer, is of great efficacy and weigheth much with God; so the angel Raphael told Tobias.
So I took my knitting, said good night to Tobias, and went into monseigneur's room.
Tobias burneth part of the fish's liver, and Raphael bindeth the devil.