
[ thur-muh-stat ]
/ ˈθɜr məˌstæt /


a device, including a relay actuated by thermal conduction or convection, that functions to establish and maintain a desired temperature automatically or signals a change in temperature for manual adjustment.

verb (used with object), ther·mo·stat·ted or ther·mo·stat·ed; ther·mo·stat·ting or ther·mo·stat·ing.

to equip or control with a thermostat.

Origin of thermostat

First recorded in 1825–35; thermo- + -stat


ther·mo·stat·ic, adjective ther·mo·stat·i·cal·ly, adverb

Example sentences from the Web for thermostat

British Dictionary definitions for thermostat

/ (ˈθɜːməˌstæt) /


a device that maintains a system at a constant temperature. It often consists of a bimetallic strip that bends as it expands and contracts with temperature, thus breaking and making contact with an electrical power supply
a similar device that actuates equipment, such as a sprinkler, when a certain temperature is reached

Derived forms of thermostat

thermostatic, adjective thermostatically, adverb

Scientific definitions for thermostat

[ thûrmə-stăt′ ]

A device that automatically controls heating or cooling equipment in such a way as to maintain a temperature at a constant level or within a specified range, generally using a thermometer capable of triggering electrical switches that activate or deactivate the equipment.

Cultural definitions for thermostat


A device that monitors and automatically responds to changes in temperature and activates switches controlling devices such as furnaces or air conditioners.