temperature-humidity index

[ tem-per-uh-cher-hyoo-mid-i-tee or, often, -yoo-, -pruh-, -per-cher-, -choo r ]
/ ˈtɛm pər ə tʃər hyuˈmɪd ɪ ti or, often, -yu-, -prə-, -pər tʃər-, -ˌtʃʊər /


a number representing an estimate of the effect of temperature and moisture on humans, computed by multiplying the sum of dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperature readings by 0.4 and adding 15, with 65 assumed as the highest comfortable index. Abbreviation: T.H.I.
Compare heat index.

British Dictionary definitions for temperature-humidity index

temperature-humidity index


an index of the effect on human comfort of temperature and humidity levels, 65 being the highest comfortable level