The Mejdi tour was the first time Tel Aviv University student Tamar Elman had heard guides debate such contentious issues.
The discussion was held under the auspices of two Members of Knesset, Tamar Zandberg and Dov Henin.
Tamar Rotem continues: But why not show girls and women in modest attire?
On the way, I asked him what answer Tamar had given the man who wished to marry her.
After more than two hours of fitful tossing, Tamar rose from his bed and entered the living room of his suite.
Where the streams unite, they become the Tamar, one of the principal rivers in Tasmania.
The Inny, one of the feeders of the Tamar and altogether Cornish, must not be omitted, for it is a beautiful stream.
Mr. Harshaw was here every day, after he found how ill poor Tamar was.