
[ suh-sep-tuh-buh l ]
/ səˈsɛp tə bəl /


admitting or capable of some specified treatment: susceptible of a high polish; susceptible to various interpretations.
accessible or especially liable or subject to some influence, mood, agency, etc.: susceptible to colds; susceptible to flattery.
capable of being affected emotionally; impressionable.

Origin of susceptible

1595–1605; < Late Latin susceptibilis, equivalent to suscept(us), past participle of suscipere to take up, support ( sus- sus- + -cep-, combining form of capere to take, capture + -tus past participle suffix) + -ibilis -ible

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British Dictionary definitions for susceptible

/ (səˈsɛptəbəl) /


(postpositive; foll by of or to) yielding readily (to); capable (of) hypotheses susceptible of refutation; susceptible to control
(postpositive foll by to) liable to be afflicted (by) susceptible to colds
easily impressed emotionally

Derived forms of susceptible

susceptibleness, noun susceptibly, adverb

Word Origin for susceptible

C17: from Late Latin susceptibilis, from Latin suscipere to take up, from sub- + capere to take

Medical definitions for susceptible

[ sə-sĕptə-bəl ]


Likely to be affected with a disease, infection, or condition.
Especially sensitive; highly impressionable.

Other words from susceptible

sus•cep′ti•bili•ty (sə-sĕp′tə-bĭlĭ-tē) n.