
[ noun, adjective suhb-jikt; verb suh b-jekt ]
/ noun, adjective ˈsʌb dʒɪkt; verb səbˈdʒɛkt /



verb (used with object)

Origin of subject

1275–1325; (adj.) < Latin subjectus placed beneath, inferior, open to inspection, orig. past participle of subicere to throw or place beneath, make subject, equivalent to sub- sub- + -jec-, combining form of jacere to throw + -tus past participle suffix; replacing Middle English suget < Old French < Latin, as above; (noun) < Late Latin subjectum grammatical or dialectical subject, noun use of neuter of subjectus; replacing Middle English suget, as above; (v.) < Latin subjectāre, frequentative of subicere; replacing Middle English suget(t)en < Old French sugetter < Latin, as above


1, 4 Subject, theme, topic are often interchangeable to express the material being considered in a speech or written composition. Subject is a broad word for whatever is treated in writing, speech, art, etc.: the subject for discussion. Theme and topic are usually narrower and apply to some limited or specific part of a general subject. A theme is often the underlying conception of a discourse or composition, perhaps not put into words but easily recognizable: The theme of a need for reform runs throughout her work. A topic is the statement of what is to be treated in a section of a composition: The topic is treated fully in this section.
3 reason, rationale.
17 subordinate, subservient.
20 contingent.


British Dictionary definitions for subjectability

Abbreviation: subj

Derived forms of subject

subjectable, adjective subjectability, noun subjectless, adjective subject-like, adjective

Word Origin for subject

C14: from Latin subjectus brought under, from subicere to place under, from sub- + jacere to throw

Cultural definitions for subjectability


A part of every sentence. The subject tells what the sentence is about; it contains the main noun or noun phrase: “The car crashed into the railing”; “Judy and two of her friends were elected to the National Honor Society.” In some cases the subject is implied: you is the implied subject in “Get me some orange juice.” (Compare predicate.)

Idioms and Phrases with subjectability
