Idioms for iron

Origin of iron

before 900; Middle English, Old English īren (noun and adj.), perhaps < *īsren, metathesized from īsern, variant of īsen; compare Old Saxon, Old High German, Old Norse īsarn, Gothic eisarn < Germanic *īsarnam, perhaps < Celtic; compare Gaulish Ysarno-, Iserno- (in place names), Old Breton hoiarn, Welsh haearn, Old Irish íarn


i·ron·less, adjective i·ron·like, adjective un·i·roned, adjective well-i·roned, adjective

British Dictionary definitions for strike while the iron is hot

/ (ˈaɪən) /




See also iron out, irons

Derived forms of iron

ironer, noun ironless, adjective ironlike, adjective

Word Origin for iron

Old English irēn; related to Old High German īsan, Old Norse jārn; compare Old Irish īarn

Medical definitions for strike while the iron is hot

[ īərn ]


A lustrous, malleable, ductile, magnetic or magnetizable metallic element. Atomic number 26.
A dietary supplement or medication containing an iron salt, such as ferrous sulfate.


Made of or containing iron.

Scientific definitions for strike while the iron is hot

[ īərn ]


A silvery-white, hard metallic element that occurs abundantly in minerals such as hematite, magnetite, pyrite, and ilmenite. It is malleable and ductile, can be magnetized, and rusts readily in moist air. It is used to make steel and other alloys important in construction and manufacturing. Iron is a component of hemoglobin, which allows red blood cells to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide through the body. Atomic number 26; atomic weight 55.845; melting point 1,535°C; boiling point 2,750°C; specific gravity 7.874 (at 20°C); valence 2, 3, 4, 6. See Periodic Table. See Note at element.

Cultural definitions for strike while the iron is hot

Strike while the iron is hot

Take advantage of favorable circumstances while they last. The image is from a blacksmith's shop; the smith can shape iron only by striking it with his hammer when it is red hot.

Idioms and Phrases with strike while the iron is hot (1 of 2)

strike while the iron is hot

Take advantage of favorable conditions, as in They just made a huge profit, so let's strike while the iron is hot and ask for some money. This adage alludes to the blacksmith's forge. [Late 1300s] Also see make hay while the sun shines.

Idioms and Phrases with strike while the iron is hot (2 of 2)
