Nowlin was adamant about keeping his big news a secret from the 15,000 other people in Stoughton, Wisc.
Having secured his own farm (on section nine) he farmed there until 1875, when he moved to the village of Stoughton.
His successor, Stoughton, wrote a peremptory letter to the Abenaquis, calling upon them to bring in the prisoners they had taken.
Wyndham and Stoughton had found Mosby an annoying nuisance; their successors were finding him a serious menace.
During this encounter, Cromwell himself, (whose head-quarter was the night before at Pershore,) advanc'd to Stoughton within 4.
The same testimony was produced, and there at Salem, with Stoughton on the bench, verdicts of acquittal followed.