The city of Stanleyville—now called Kisangani—was a majestic port city as deep as one can go into the Heart of Darkness.
It was headquartered in Stanleyville, in a tall corner building that still stands in the decrepit, yet lively, downtown.
Botala remembers that the rebels would pull into the island, loot what they could, and then take the haul back to Stanleyville.
Spirits in Stanleyville were high, and a local 19-year-old was emboldened by independence fever.
One month after the operation, Holm arrived in a ghostly Stanleyville posing as a State Department representative.
Stanleyville's social prestige is only equalled by her economic importance.
Stanleyville is not only the heart of Equatorial Africa but it is also an important administrative point.
We plan to join them up with the railway to be built from Stanleyville to the Soudan border.
Between Stanleyville and Kinshassa there are four thousand islands, some of them thirty miles in length.
Stanleyville is the head of navigation on the Congo and like Paris, is built on two sides of the river.