Origin of upright

before 900; Middle English, Old English upriht (cognate with German aufrecht). See up, right


1 plumb. Upright, erect, vertical, perpendicular imply that something is in the posture of being straight upward, not leaning. That which is upright is in a position corresponding to that of a person standing up: a decaying tree no longer standing upright; an upright piano. Erect emphasizes the straightness of position or posture: proud and erect; A flagpole stands erect. Vertical suggests upward direction, especially along the shortest line from the earth to a level above it: the vertical edge of a door; ornamented by vertical lines. Perpendicular, a term frequently interchangeable with vertical, is used especially in mathematics: the perpendicular side of a right triangle; to erect a perpendicular line from the base of a figure.
3 honorable.
6 pole, prop, pier, pile, column.


Words nearby upright

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British Dictionary definitions for upright

Derived forms of upright

uprightly, adverb uprightness, noun

Idioms and Phrases with upright


see bolt upright.