
[ spon-shuh n ]
/ ˈspɒn ʃən /


an engagement or promise, especially one made on behalf of another.
International Law. an engagement made on behalf of a government by an agent acting beyond his or her authority or without the required authorization and not binding on the government unless ratified.
the act of becoming surety for another.

Origin of sponsion

1670–80; < Latin spōnsiōn- (stem of spōnsiō) guarantee, equivalent to spōns(us) (past participle of spondēre to pledge) + -iōn- -ion

Example sentences from the Web for sponsion

  • Not only was the Church more strict in this matter in Scotland than in England, but the nature of the sponsion was different.

British Dictionary definitions for sponsion

/ (ˈspɒnʃən) /


the act or process of becoming surety; sponsorship
(often plural) international law an unauthorized agreement made by a public officer, esp an admiral or general in time of war, requiring ratification by the government of the state concerned
any act or promise, esp one made on behalf of someone else

Word Origin for sponsion

C17: from Latin sponsiō, from spondēre to pledge