[ spek-tros-kuh-pee, spek-truh-skoh-pee ]
/ spɛkˈtrɒs kə pi, ˈspɛk trəˌskoʊ pi /
the science that deals with the use of the spectroscope and with spectrum analysis.
OTHER WORDS FROM spectroscopy
spec·tros·co·pist [spek-tros-kuh-pist] /spɛkˈtrɒs kə pɪst/, nounWords nearby spectroscopy
British Dictionary definitions for spectroscopist
/ (spɛkˈtrɒskəpɪ) /
the science and practice of using spectrometers and spectroscopes and of analysing spectra, the methods employed depending on the radiation being examined. The techniques are widely used in chemical analysis and in studies of the properties of atoms, molecules, ions, etc
Derived forms of spectroscopy
spectroscopist, nounMedical definitions for spectroscopist
[ spĕk-trŏs′kə-pē ]
The study of spectra, especially experimental observation of optical spectra.
Other words from spectroscopy
spec•tros′co•pist n.Scientific definitions for spectroscopist
[ spĕk-trŏs′kə-pē ]
The analysis of spectra, especially light or mass spectra, to determine properties of their source.♦ In light or optical spectroscopy, the spectrum of a light source is analyzed through a spectroscope to determine atomic composition of a substance. In astronomy, phenomena such as red shift can also be analyzed.♦ In mass spectroscopy, a spectroscope is used to determine the composition of ions or charged molecules in a sample. Spectroscopy is also called spectrography. See also atomic spectrum spectroscope.
Cultural definitions for spectroscopist
[ (spek-tros-kuh-pee) ]
The branch of science devoted to discovering the chemical composition of materials by looking at the light (and other kinds of electromagnetic radiation) they emit. Scientists use spectroscopy to determine the nature of distant stars and galaxies as well as to identify and monitor the production of products in factories.