I phoned Zack [Snyder] and said, “Well how much did you grow?”
Snyder remembered one more site in Hollister he urged me to visit.
But in 2013, Snyder signed a barely revised version of the emergency manager law—and then used it to take over Detroit.
Snyder and Orr went ahead anyway, under the authority of the emergency management law.
It is a good thing for Snyder that he has an NFL franchise and is not running a college athletic program.
He bought a boat with money borrowed from Bill and Mr. Snyder.
The Chinese dolls interested him for a moment, but his heart was true to Snyder.
When Snyder Appleby heard of it he was filled with jealous anger.
And Snyder viewed it with a look of comical sadness in the little mirror back of his bar.
He wondered if Mr. Snyder played to all these great men the same rôle—half the frank and bluff uncle, half the fairy-godmother.