
[ sil-eyn ]
/ ˈsɪl eɪn /

noun Chemistry.

Also called silicon tetrahydride. a gas with an unpleasant odor, SiH4, soluble in water: used as a doping agent for semiconductors in the production of solid-state devices.
any of a class of silicon hydrides analogous to the alkanes.

Origin of silane

< German Silan (1916); see silicon, -ane

Example sentences from the Web for silane

  • Nam profecto aut metus aut injuria te subegit, Silane, consulem designatum, genus poenae novum decernere.

    De Bello Catilinario et Jugurthino |Caius Sallustii Crispi (Sallustius)

Medical definitions for silane

[ sĭlān′ ]


Any of a group of highly reactive hydrocarbons containing tetravalent silicon instead of carbon.