
[ sem-uh-fawr, -fohr ]
/ ˈsɛm əˌfɔr, -ˌfoʊr /


an apparatus for conveying information by means of visual signals, as a light whose position may be changed.
any of various devices for signaling by changing the position of a light, flag, etc.
a system of signaling, especially a system by which a special flag is held in each hand and various positions of the arms indicate specific letters, numbers, etc.

verb (used with or without object), sem·a·phored, sem·a·phor·ing.

to signal by semaphore or by some system of flags.

Origin of semaphore

1810–20; < Greek sêma sign + -phore


sem·a·phor·ic [sem-uh-fawr-ik, -for-] /ˌsɛm əˈfɔr ɪk, -ˈfɒr-/, sem·a·phor·i·cal, adjective sem·a·phor·i·cal·ly, adverb

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British Dictionary definitions for semaphore

/ (ˈsɛməˌfɔː) /


an apparatus for conveying information by means of visual signals, as with movable arms or railway signals, flags, etc
a system of signalling by holding a flag in each hand and moving the arms to designated positions to denote each letter of the alphabet


to signal (information) by means of semaphore

Derived forms of semaphore

semaphoric (ˌsɛməˈfɒrɪk) or semaphorical, adjective semaphorically, adverb

Word Origin for semaphore

C19: via French, from Greek sēma a signal + -phore