We are left with stalwart genres (action, rom com) and classic roles (prude, seductress, jock, backstory-less best friend).
Broadwell called Kelley a “seductress” in those harassing e-mails that led Kelley to complain to the FBI.
And if someone was plotting this, Diallo was a curious choice as a seductress.
He let us know that fame and fortune is a seductress and that the rules apply to all of us no matter what our station in life.
And yet why did this face, which had in it none of the charms of the seductress, disturb her so profoundly?
But Aristotle dismissed the seductress and thus delivered his prince from death.
The lightning that flashed from her blue eyes changed her from seductress to angry goddess.
You're a seductress and a witch and a sorcerer and an enchantress.
Paphnutius for instance, who was visited by such a seductress.