schola cantorum

[ skoh-luh kan-tawr-uh m, -tohr- ]
/ ˈskoʊ lə kænˈtɔr əm, -ˈtoʊr- /

noun, plural scho·lae can·to·rum [skoh-lee kan-tawr-uh m, -tohr-] /ˈskoʊ li kænˈtɔr əm, -ˈtoʊr-/.

an ecclesiastical choir or choir school.
a section of a church, cathedral, or the like, for use by the choir.

Origin of schola cantorum

First recorded in 1775–85, schola cantorum is from the Medieval Latin word schola cantōrum school of singers

British Dictionary definitions for schola cantorum

schola cantorum
/ (ˈskəʊlə kænˈtɔːrəm) /

noun plural scholae cantorum (ˈskəʊliː)

a choir or choir school maintained by a church

Word Origin for schola cantorum

Medieval Latin: school of singers