The latest novel from Samantha Harvey is truly superb, but left its reviewer at a loss for how to describe it.
Normally I might look to Samantha Power or Madeleine Albright or Hillary Clinton for foreign policy wisdom.
The piece was authored by none other than Samantha Power, who now serves as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.
Chi, like Samantha (Scarlett Johannson), ends up becoming a transcendent being that threatens her relationship with a human.
The same goes for challengers, like Samantha Nunn in Georgia or Alison Lundergan Grimes in Kentucky.
She had forgiven Samantha, she was ready to be on good terms with Miss Vilda, she was at peace with all the world.
Sez he, "But it is so stylish to embrace it, Samantha, and it only costs ten cents."
"That's the way he's sizin' of 'em up," said Samantha, leaning over Vilda's shoulder with a smile.
The great hotel which Samantha here describes was destroyed by fire in August last.
But, then, Samantha had insisted on a separate domain, and Keziah and Pamela imitated their elder sister to a fraction.