
[ ruhs-kuh; German roo s-kah ]
/ ˈrʌs kə; German ˈrʊs kɑ /


Ernst (Au·gust Frie·drich) [ernst ou-goo st free-drikh] /ɛrnst ˈaʊ gʊst ˈfri drɪx/,1906–88, German physicist and electrical engineer: developed electron microscope; Nobel prize 1986.

Scientific definitions for ruska

[ rŭskə ]
Ernst August Friedrich 1906-1988

German electrical engineer who in 1931 developed the world's first electron microscope, which he continued to improve in subsequent work. For this work he shared with German physicist Gerd Binnig and Swiss physicist Heinrich Rohrer the 1986 Nobel Prize for physics.