When we chatted in 2011, Rourke dryly noted that his songwriting credits with Morrissey resulted in no royalties.
But in Sin City, and later as Randy "The Ram" in The Wrestler, Rourke came roaring back.
He did, though, make sure to offer a conciliatory hand to Rourke, whom he called “my brother.”
No one seriously thinks Langella is going to trump Rourke this year, or Sean Penn for that matter.
Instead of playing the character, Rourke is played by the camera and by the special effects.
Without paying any more attention to him, Rourke, still very irritated and defiant, returned to the fire.
From the moment Rourke beheld him he seemed beside himself with anger or irritation.
Meantime Allens fight with Rourke had, as was anticipated, fallen through.
Lady Rourke sank down, slowly, almost at the Eurasian's feet.
You were then matched to fight Rourke, but the engagement never came off.