Idioms for punch

    pull punches,
    1. to lessen deliberately the force of one's blows.
    2. Informal. to act with restraint or hold back the full force or implications of something: He wasn't going to pull any punches when he warned them of what they would be up against.
    roll with the punches, Informal. to cope with and survive adversity: In the business world you quickly learn to roll with the punches.

Origin of punch

1350–1400; Middle English punchen (v.); apparently variant of pounce1



punch·er, noun

British Dictionary definitions for roll with the punches (1 of 4)

punch 1
/ (pʌntʃ) /


to strike blows (at), esp with a clenched fist
(tr) Western US to herd or drive (cattle), esp for a living
(tr) to poke or prod with a stick or similar object
punch above one's weight to do something that is considered to be beyond one's ability


Derived forms of punch

puncher, noun

Word Origin for punch

C15: perhaps a variant of pounce ²

British Dictionary definitions for roll with the punches (2 of 4)

punch 2
/ (pʌntʃ) /



(tr) to pierce, cut, stamp, shape, or drive with a punch

Word Origin for punch

C14: shortened from puncheon, from Old French ponçon; see puncheon ²

British Dictionary definitions for roll with the punches (3 of 4)

punch 3
/ (pʌntʃ) /


any mixed drink containing fruit juice and, usually, alcoholic liquor, generally hot and spiced

Word Origin for punch

C17: perhaps from Hindi pānch, from Sanskrit pañca five; the beverage originally included five ingredients

British Dictionary definitions for roll with the punches (4 of 4)

/ (pʌntʃ) /


the main character in the traditional children's puppet show Punch and Judy

Idioms and Phrases with roll with the punches (1 of 2)

roll with the punches

Cope with and withstand adversity, especially by being flexible. For example, She'd had three different editors for her book, each with a different style, but she'd learned to roll with the punches. This term alludes to the boxer's ability to deflect the full force of an opponent's blow by adroitly moving his body. [Mid-1900s]

Idioms and Phrases with roll with the punches (2 of 2)
