“They always seem to be on the move,” said Rodrigo Soberanes, a stringer for AP in Veracruz.
Rodrigo de la Calle is the rare Spanish chef content to trade in his tortilla española for more creative gastronomical adventures.
But if you fire up Instagram and follow Rodrigo de la Calle, you might start salivating over such plants-turned-food.
Rodrigo Santoro: I broke up a couple of months before we met, and Laura and me were both in the same zone.
The Latino man, Rodrigo Diaz, was said by his friends to have entered the driveway by mistake.
Thus speaking, both parents embraced their son, for Teresa also shared in the satisfaction of her husband and Rodrigo.
The child was named Rodrigo, and soon grew to be a wonderfully strong and fearless youth.
Schn points his revolver at Rodrigo; Rodrigo signs to him to point it at Alva.
At Florence, where he stayed for some time, he composed the opera 'Rodrigo,' which was received with great applause.
He had ejected Rodrigo de Vasquez from his post as president of the council.