
[ ri-prohch ]
/ rɪˈproʊtʃ /

verb (used with object)


Origin of reproach

1375–1425; (noun) late Middle English reproche < Old French, derivative of reprochier to reproach < Vulgar Latin *repropiāre to bring back near, equivalent to Latin re- re- + Late Latin -propiāre (derivative of Latin prope near; see approach); (v.) late Middle English reprochen < Old French reprochier

synonym study for reproach

1. Reproach, rebuke, scold, reprove imply calling one to account for something done or said. Reproach is censure (often about personal matters, obligations, and the like) given with an attitude of faultfinding and some intention of shaming: to reproach one for neglect. Rebuke suggests sharp or stern reproof given usually formally or officially and approaching reprimand in severity: He rebuked him strongly for laxness in his accounts. Scold suggests that censure is given at some length, harshly, and more or less abusively; it implies irritation, which may be with or without justification: to scold a boy for jaywalking. A word of related meaning, but suggesting a milder or more kindly censure, often intended to correct the fault in question, is reprove : to reprove one for inattention.

historical usage of reproach

In English the noun reproach is a derivative of the verb. The Middle English verb reprochen, “to rebuke, reprove, censure,” comes from Middle French and Old French reprochier “to recall something unpleasant to someone, blame.” Reprochier comes from unattested Vulgar Latin repropiāre “to bring close to, get in someone’s face, upbraid, reproach.” Repropiāre is modeled on Late Latin appropiāre “to approach” (with no sense of blame or rebuke), itself modeled on the Late Latin verb propiāre “to draw near to, approach.” Propiāre is formed from the adverb and preposition prope “near, nearby, close.”
The phrase above reproach “not able to be blamed, faultless” first appeared in 1674; its variant beyond reproach is first recorded in 1702.


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British Dictionary definitions for reproach

/ (rɪˈprəʊtʃ) /

verb (tr)

to impute blame to (a person) for an action or fault; rebuke
archaic to bring disgrace or shame upon


Derived forms of reproach

reproachable, adjective reproachableness, noun reproachably, adverb reproacher, noun

Word Origin for reproach

C15: from Old French reprochier, from Latin re- + prope near