
[ ri-pawr-ter, -pohr- ]
/ rɪˈpɔr tər, -ˈpoʊr- /


a person who reports.
a person employed to gather and report news, as for a newspaper, wire service, or television station.
a person who prepares official reports, as of legal or legislative proceedings.

Origin of reporter

1350–1400; Middle English reportour < Anglo-French (Old French reporteur). See report, -er1

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British Dictionary definitions for reporter

/ (rɪˈpɔːtə) /


a person who reports, esp one employed to gather news for a newspaper, news agency, or broadcasting organization
a person, esp a barrister, authorized to write official accounts of judicial proceedings
a person authorized to report the proceedings of a legislature
(in Scotland) social welfare an official who arranges and conducts children's panel hearings and who may investigate cases and decide on the action to be taken